Improving the Lives of Families
Stay Up To Date With Us
​Just a reminder that this month’s meeting is a week earlier than normal. It’s taking place on Thursday 19th December 2024.
The meetings will take the usual format and location – Edinburgh Central Youth Hostel, Haddington Place, Leith Walk, Edinburgh. We will gather in the bar/café area from 8pm and move to a private room around 8.15pm.
Please let me know if you are planning to attend. Look forward to seeing you. For those unable to attend we hope to see you in 2025. Have a good holiday period and best wishes for 2025.
I'm pleased to report that the National Lottery Community Fund #NationalLottery have awarded the group funding which will enable the group to continue to operate. So thanks to everyone who buys lottery tickets and to the National Lottery Community Fund for the award of funding.
A note for your diaries
Our meetings for the remainder of 2024 will be on the following Thursdays, (with the exception of the January and May meetings which will be on Wednesdays) at the Edinburgh Central Youth Hostel, Haddington Place, Leith Walk, Edinburgh. We meet in the bar/cafe from 8pm and move to a private room at 8.15.
Thursday 29/02/2024
Thursday 28/03/2024
Thursday 25/04/2024
Wednesday 29/05/2024
Thursday 27/06/2024
Thursday 25/07/2024
Thursday 29/08/2024
Thursday 26/09/2024 Starting with a brief AGM
Thursday 31/10/2024
Thursday 28/11/2024
Thursday 19/12/2024
We are a volunteer run support group run by gay dads for gay dads. Most of us are in, or have been in, marriages and we all have had children.
We understand the feeling of isolation, stress and guilt that gay dads often experience. Through our experiences, we know that it is often possible to work through the issues to achieve happy outcomes.
Group meetings
There are many men is Scotland who feel very isolated as they try to deal with being a gay parent with no support. The group exists to help fill that gap.
In normal times (pre and post Covid) we usually gather in the cafe/bar area of our meeting venue from 8pm and move to a private meeting room around 8.15pm.
We introduce ourselves and give a bit of our background and everyone has the opportunity to raise issues and ask if others have had similar experiences. Individuals can share as much or as little as they wish, about their personal situation.
“Sometimes the hardest thing is just plucking up the courage to go to your first meeting. When you hear other people relate their experiences it stops you feeling so isolated. Empathy from others can be so reassuring."
So come along, make new friends and hear of others experiences and outcomes.